Since my husband and I first talked about educating our children we always agreed that we would help teach our children several languages. One of the reasons for that is because daily our world we live in is becoming more of a melting pot of cultures then ever before.
One language that has always been on our list is Spanish. Until recently we had not begun Spanish. However, our family was asked to review Speekee.
The Product:

Speekee uses what they call a "spiral language" learning which essentially means they repeat learned material when they introduce new material. The repetition helps the children to remember the words while the actions that are being performed or the objects being shown tie the spoken words to that action or object.

Our Experience:
My children (and a few others that I watch occasionally) LOVED Speekee. My son, who's only 22 months, will regularly request to watch it. I was hoping to get his requests on video, but he would not cooperate with me. So you just have to imagine a cute little voice saying "Speekee, Speekee, Speekeeeee!" (So instead I'll give you a few pictures of him watching it intently.)
The girls love singing the songs. I think Arianna has "gotten" the program a bit more then Audrie, but they both truly like it. Arianna goes around the house singing the little songs and then Audrie will chime in here and there with some of the words.
Arianna says her favorite part is when the children go through the kids crawling tube and go to their new place for the day. Audrie like it when they sing "Adios, adios, adios mi amigas adios." And she usually stands up and sings with it. Seanan answered, but I didn't comprehend his answer. He said, " Fwedah!" Anybody who is able to translate that I'd greatly appreciate it. :)
My thoughts:
This program is a wonderful introduction to Spanish. It's entertaining from my littlest (of 22 months) to my oldest (7.5) On the site it says this would be good for ages 2- 10. I know that I even enjoyed it and it helped me to brush up on some of my Spanish.
I also liked that the episodes had worksheets that you could print that would help reinforce some of the words and concepts that were taught through the episode/lesson.
Overall, this was a great product for our home. Most of the episodes we've watched more then once and I think that helps with recalling the information learned. Don't forget to also check out what the other Crew reviewers have said about Speekee - TV.
*** I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and receive free products and services in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of money for any of my reviews. My reviews will always reflect my honest opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences with the products and services that I receive.***
My boys have enjoyed Speekee, especially my ONE year old. He goes around waving and trying to say adios. If someone says "Speekee", he'll start waving and walk to the nearest computer in anticipation.
Visiting as I 'crawl' my way through the TOS Crew blogs.
FM Laura
My children loved Speekee too! Especially my 22 mmonth old and 3yo. Stopping by on the Blogwalk to say hi!
Hi there! Just dropping by on the blog walk.
I really like Speekee too, and really wish I had younger children to benefit from it. I still have the temptation to purchase the dvds as family gifts. :)
Catherine (Australia)
¡Hola Kelly y familia! Jim here, Speekee's friend dropping by to say hello and a big MUCHAS GRACIAS to you all for taking the time to watch and post your comments about Speekee TV. I am so happy about your children's reaction. best of all, they are learning Spanish. Sending you my best wishes today from sunny Spain... Jim (-; (-;
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