The Product:
For those of you who do not know, Peter and the Wolf was composed by Sergei Prokofiev in Russia in 1936. What Maestro Classics has done is combined a great musical story, a narrator (Yadu), a flawless performance by the London Philharmonic Orchestra, along with tracks on their CD that help explain how to listen to music as well as historical information on the specific piece.
Each instrument represents a different character in the story. The CD has both the narrated story as well as just an instrumental version of the same story.

Our Experience:
The first time we all listened to the CD I was actually watching two other children and told them that this was going to be a musical story. And they all seemed enthralled by the music and the story. They all loved it. After it was over they all re-enacted it, which I thought was hilarious.The next time those same children came over the little boy's first question to me was "are we going to listen to Peter and the Wolf again today?" I was shocked! He hadn't been in my house in over a week, but yet he remembered not only that we had listened to a musical story, but the name of that story. That is a testament to how well Maestro Classics is doing their job.
My Thoughts:
I would highly recommend this series Stories in Music to anyone. This product is good for ages 2 on up to 100+. They have several other stories including The Story of Swan Lake and The Tortoise & the Hare. Each CD is $16.95 and well worth the money. And better yet they are having a sale! (and anyone who knows me or reads my blog should know that I love to save money.) Buy 3 CD's for $45 and you can get FREE shipping when you enter the discount codes.You can also listen to samples here. And don't take my word on how good these CD's are. Listen to all the other families who reviewed their products too.
*** I am a member of The Old Schoolhouse 2010-2011 Crew and receive free products and services in exchange for a thorough and honest review. Though I am compensated with free products, I am not compensated in the form of money for any of my reviews. My reviews will always reflect my honest opinions, findings, beliefs and experiences with the products and services that I receive.***
Nice review! How cute that the little boy remembered. I may have to add some more of these cd's to our school next year.
Hi Kelly,
Thanks for the wonderful review of our Peter and the Wolf CD this winter. I just wanted to let you know that since you reveiwed our CD we've made a Facebook page so that our fans can participate in monthly giveaways (June was Peter and the Wolf, as a matter of fact) and get coupons. We'd love to invite you and your readers to join our page and thanks again for the lovely review!
Social Media Coordinator
Maestro Classics
PS sorry about that other comment, I realized I did one of the links wrong
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