Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Secret Bridge - A Lamplighter Publishing -- A New Crew Review!

I love reading. But I have found it harder to find books that I can truly enjoy and not have angst about the story in the world we now live. However, with Lamplighter Publishing and their goal of creating "Christlike character one story at a time" it has become a bit easier. I have had the privilege of reading one of their newest books The Secret Bridge by Amy Le Feuvre, originally written in 1899. This novel is a wonderful reprinting of an early 20th century story. They have also chosen to keep the punctuation and sentence structure as it was originally written which helps bring you back to a time long ago.
The Secret Bridge {Lamplighter Publishing Reviews}

We enter the story as Bridget, a young, poor, and destitute girl, is on her way to London. She has endured some tragedies at such a young age and is now en route to meet some of her family for the first time. Once she has arrived in London, we find her alone again. Until she bumps into Godfrey Bullingham ... who in what would seem such a short time, asks her to marry him! Does she? Well, I don't want to give away all of the story, but I will say there is so much more then your typical romance within the dots and tittles of these pages. Weaved within is also the story of our relationship with Christ and how we are his bride and how we should be waiting our bridegroom.

I began reading this story as a read aloud, but as we progressed I realized that my kiddos were slightly young for some of the wording and structure. They did however enjoy me reading aloud - which I have been trying to do more often.  I am sure that my eldest daughter (13) would enjoy reading this on her own. Instead, I chose to continue the reading on my own. Oh, and I did so enjoy it. There is some 'strong' language like "He drew her unresistingly into his arms, .." "He pressed her closer to him, ..." yet nothing more then this. And the way it is written and the context that surrounds it speaks of the strength and purity from which it was penned. I do think though, if you were going to have boys read it they'd like to have a heads up.
The journey that Bridget is on throughout the book helps us to parallel our journey in our relationship with Christ, our bridegroom. And along the way there is a secret, which Bridget has a hard time bearing. There are also some other plot twists and turns. All in all this is romantic, beautiful tale of the love that we should be yearning for with our Creator God.

The Secret Bridge itself is remade in a faux leather with gold highlights around the title and author. It has a truly stunning front cover and the spine also screams "classic".  Included in the story are letters from the characters and each has it's own writing font, which helps you visually know who's speaking. It also helped bring the characters and story to life a little more. I also loved the footnotes and some were Scripture! Isn't that a find? Not many books of today have Scripture weaved within them.

I hope you take a look at this book or any of Lamplighter Publishing other books or even their audio theater. You can also find them on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

The Secret Bridge {Lamplighter Publishing Reviews}
And be sure to read what others from the Crew thought of this reborn classic by clicking the banner below.
The Secret Bridge {Lamplighter Publishing Reviews}

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