Last year I joined on this Blog Hop and had so much fun so I decided to join in again this year. However, I am a little late. Last week's topic was all about curriculum. So I am going to try and put down what we are planning to use. The key word is planning. I still haven't really had a lot of time to see for sure what we'll be using, but I have the general all planned out so that's what I'll start with.
3rd Grade:
Can't believe my eldest will be in 3rd grade! That is kinda crazy!! Anyways, this is what her year will include:
English ~~
First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind
Spelling Power
There will also be lots of reading, but that will span many areas. I am so proud of her reading abilities ... she thrives on reading and always has a book nearby.
Math ~~
Okay, for this one, I thought we were settled, but we may not be. We've started back doing minimal school work which includes reading, math and some unit studies. So for now we will be using Singapore's Primary Math 2B, 3A, and 3B.
However, we may be switching to Life of Fred, especially since they now have 4 volumes of elementary math before the "fractions" level. Stephen hasn't fully decided so we'll have to see what happens.
Latin ~~
We will continue on with Song School Latin
We will also be using Memoria Press' Latina Christiana
History ~~
Story of the World Vol. 3
Science ~~
That is the basics. We will be doing Bible, Latin, History and Science together.
Other ~~
This will include PE, typing, unit studies, and any other items that might come up.
1st Grade:
Audrie will be doing some similar subjects and some on her own.
Math ~~
We will be finishing Singapore's Essential Math
English ~~
We are continuing with the Ordinary Parent's Guide to Teaching Reading
Latin ~~
We will start at the beginning with Song School Latin
In addition, both girls will have Bible memory verses that we have as a family as well as their weekly memory verses for church; Character trait training using the Book of Virtues
Tot School:
I will begin working with Seanan with his Tot School stuff. He has some of his own "school" books and learning toys and tools, working with learning our colors, letters and their sounds, counting to 10, shapes, and other things toddlers like to do and learn.
And to top it all off we will be interspersing our school with reviews that I will be adding in from the TOS Homeschool Crew.
I hope you take some time and check out others who shared their curriculum choices for this year. You never know you might find something that is just PERFECT for your family.
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