I finally found the name of the books Rie was reading. The ABC magnet book is called Magnetic Alphabet Farm and has cute magnetic pages with a few sentences on each page highlighting a letter. You are supposed to match the magnet letter to the correct space. Then on the last page is has the entire alphabet written. However, my daughter has managed to lose quite a few of the magnet tiles. At one point we only had a 18 letter alphabet, but I think we've found a few more and are only missing 4. We have no idea where they are and I do not know if we will ever find them. That's a bit of a shame seeing as she loves this book.
She also has been "reading" Don't Do That, Dexter! which highlights Ephesians 6:1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. I am happy that she is interested in this and I'm hoping by reading it over and over it may infiltrate her heart and mind at the same time.
I finished the first book in the 9/11 Series by Karen Kingsbury called Tuesday Morning and have begun the second in the series - Beyond Tuesday Morning. I think I am really going to like her as an author which is great because she seems to have TONS of books.
My husband is continuing reading A Beautiful Math. He was telling me something the other day about reading books and how it seems that he takes so long to read and I reminded him that his books were very intensive type reading, not fun story reading. And as you can see by the books he's reading, it's true.
We are still reading A Secret Garden as a family, which I thought we'd be done with by now, but with summer here the girls are out more and visiting with family and friends and our family reading time has changed a bit. Maybe this week, we'll finish it.
Hope you all are reading too! If not, pick up a book or make a run to the library for one. Make some time to read to your children or just for your own relaxation. I'd love to hear what you're reading.
We have several magnet books that seem similar to your alphabet book. I'm going to have to go purchase that one now too! I bet you could fashion some replacement letters with craft magnet sheets and some permanent markers - or get the printable magnet sheets and a cute font.
Thanks for joining WMCIR! Dexter sounds like a lovely book with beautiful illustrations. I am seriously considering implementing a family reading time here as well.
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