Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Online Times Alive by City Creek Press, Inc. ~~ A New TOS Review!!

Multiplication facts are one of THE most imprtant things a student learns in the elementary years. So why make it boring when you can learn math tables the fun way by using an Online Times Alive subscription from by City Creek Press, Inc.!  Since my son, Seanan, has struggled to really memorize his facts I was hoping that the 6 month subscription we received to review the Online Times Alive program would really cement the facts by using the songs and dittys to spark his memory every time he came across one of the harder facts he struggles to KNOW.

Online Times Alive program focuses on teaching your child their multiplication facts from 0 - 9 by using a variety of silly songs, stories, and cartoons to make learning their facts fun. It also uses both visual clues in the cartoons and stories along with mnemonic devices to help cement the facts into the child's memory. The stories use characters that are made to look like the number they are trying to memorize.
visual clues for 6x6 with song words on top

the answer is silly too (thirsty sixes)

He's enjoying the songsand cartoons.

So how does it work? First you login to the program. One word of caution, make sure your child logs in the same way every time. If your child uses a capital letter for the first letter and the rest are in lowercase and the next time they are all lowercase it will appear that your child has no progress. That happened a few times to my son. The program is very easy to use and once it's saved or bookmarked most children can find and use the site all on their own. So I wasn't aware that he was having some issues remembering his original login. Once we figured that out we were able to see his actual progress and he didn't feel like he was always going back to the beginning to start the lessons again.
taking the initial test
As soon as you login you see the lesson list. Here is my son's the last time I remembered to catach a screen shot.

Lesson list that you see when you login.
You can see in each of the lessons there is variety. Along the way there are also some timed tests or quiz so that progress can be assessed.


progress report with the quiz grade

As you can see it is very visual and because of this holds the attention of your student. However, I don't think it should be done just one time through. There is a way to "clear" the tests and quizzes. I might have to do that again once we get to the end, which we are almost there, because I feel my son is still struggling with a few facts - like 6x7 or 7x8. Others he has solidly.
progress report

The online subscription is just $9.95 a month which is a great price since you can use it for all your children as long as they are using it on the SAME computer. There is also a $6.95 one time sign up fee.  I found a coupon code that you can use to waive the sign up fee - use the code lovetolearn

Here's a little video to show you a little more about the program.

You can also find City Creek Press, Inc. on Facebook, You Tube, and Instagram.

I also encourage you to check out the other reviews from our Homeschool Review Crew by clicking the link below. Some of them even reviewed the Times Alive App which allows you to take learning on the go!

Online Times Alive {City Creek Press, Inc. Reviews}

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