Thursday, October 19, 2017

The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit & The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors ~ A New TOS Review!

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Over the last few months I have been concerned about the way my youngest holds his pencils. So when I had the opportunity to be on this newest review for The Pencil Grip. Inc., specifically for The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit, I jumped at the chance. Both my older girls have used pencil grips from this company and still use the basic pencil grip.  We were also sent The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors as part of this review.
The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit

As I started to really watch the way my son was writing I realized it was really bad for his hand. And he has been complaining of his hand hurting much more in the last few months then he had been before. I also saw that he holds his pencils very tight. Here's a picture of his regular pencil hold.

See what I mean? So we started with what is called The Crossover Grip, which is the first step in The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit. This grip has a "superhero cape" which has wings to help the fingers from crossing over. Here is my son using The Crossover Grip, which is one we are still using. He still tries to cross his fingers if he uses a pencil that does not have the grip.

The next step is The Pinch Grip. This one has less of a cape and is used in the transition stage of the grips. It allows for the person to see where their fingers are and have a bit more freedom, but still gives firm structure of placement for your fingers. Here is a picture of my son doing his work with the pinch grip.

The last step is when they 'graduate' to The Pencil Grip. This grip can be used all the time because it provides tons of comfort and still allows the pencil to be controlled properly. My girls each have their own of this 'original' grip and use it whenever they feel like they need.

The other product we received were The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors, which I had hoped to be able to show a toddler/preschooler using them. However, my son really likes these scissors. He thinks they are so cool since they have a safety shield to protect small fingers from being placed under a scissor and cutting their finger accidentally. You slide the paper in and use a regular cutting motion to cut paper.
The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors

However, as my son demonstrated if you cut really small pieces of paper, they can get stuck inside the shield. Thankfully, he was able to pull that out. These scissors are much sharper then your average "safety" scissors, which I find would be less frustrating for younger people who don't always like the safety measures.

There is also a small yellow lever that helps the blade spring back so it is easier for little hands. Even with all the safety features for The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors your child could still attempt to cut their hair. For this reason, I wouldn't leave them hanging around or let my little one use them without some supervision. But I see no way they could cut their fingers or hands with the awesome shield.
The Pencil Grip, Inc.
As always there were many other Crew families who were a part of this review so I urge you to check out their thoughts as well, just click the link below. And if you'd like to connect with The Pencil Grip, Inc. you can find them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Ultra Safe Safety Scissors & Pencil Grip Training Kit {The Pencil Grip, Inc. Reviews}

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