Monday, November 15, 2010

2010 Gratitude Challenege - November 15th

For quite a while I have been trying to capture a picture of this red-tailed hawk that I have spotted in our neighborhood.  And she is very fast.  She is also cunning and smart. 

I originally spotted her on one of my walks last year.  She was toward the back or our neighborhood (which is very, very small - I can see the WHOLE thing from my front steps) by the pond.  She was hanging out in this really tall tree that had fewer leaves then the rest of the trees around her.

However recently, I have spotted her much closer.  She is now hanging out in the center of the neighborhood on another very tall tree with very few leaves (comparatively.)  So the other day when I was getting ready to go for another walk with the girls and Seanan, I looked up and there she was in all her glory.  So I ran inside and got my camera and I finally was able to capture her.  So here she is (I actually am not sure if she is a she, but I've just been calling her that lately.  I also think I saw a second one come and meet her, but didn't get a clear shot of that one due to it's position in the tree.)

I am thankful for being able to capture such a beautiful creature.

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1 comment:

Catherine said...

Wow! That's a great shot! It was nice of her to pose for you. =)

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