Friday, September 24, 2010

I have GOT to do something - Fit Mommy Friday

I have not posted my Fit Mommy Fridays in a while for several reasons:
  • I haven't been exercising like I should.  This is mainly due to some injuries to both me and my husband while exercising.  First I pulled my calf muscle.  Then his knee injury (from a flag football injury last year) came back and put him almost unable to walk for several days.  And lastly my opposite foot (from the calf) started to KILL me.  I should have continued working on upper body, but I didn't.
  • I haven't been eating correctly at all!  This has a mix of reasons that I don't want to full divulge here, but let's just say it's been a great time of TRUSTING God to be in charge and in control of EVERYTHING!!
  • Time.  I keep forgetting what day I'm in and what I had planned.  Things I had planned to accomplish get pushed off because other situations arise or take longer then anticipated and the like.  
However, I have come to the realization that I HAVE TO PUT A STOP TO THE CRAZY cycle!!!!  I need to take proactive steps to becoming better physically (as well as spiritually.)

I am taking care of the later first.  I have been diligently reading my Bible BEFORE exiting the bed.  During this time I also remind my eldest to do her devotion for the day (she gets a page each Sunday from church that contains 4 days of devotions and on the other days I tell her to read a Psalm or Proverb that matches the date of the day.)  My middle daughter usually lies in the bed with me (so she doesn't disturb her sister) or gets a Bible and looks at the pictures.

I think with the spiritually headed in the right direction (been doing this for about 2 weeks) I think it's time to move onto the physical aspect of the problem.  One thing I know that has been a problem is that "others" bring in food that is either unhealthy or not carb friendly into the house which makes it very hard to steer    away from when you are hungry and trying to stick to a very small base of food.

So I've asked (tonight in fact) that if they are to bring any food to us or for us it would be from the 'allowed' food items and to be mindful of the carbs involved.  Hopefully, this will be adhered to.  I also signed up and have received some free information and bars from Atkins.  If you are interested you can go and get yours free also (the chocolate caramel bar is AWESOME!)

So I'm hoping I will be able to fill my fridge and freezer with more appealing carb friendly choices to help keep me on the right path ... the path to a better me, a more productive me, a more beautiful me.

So please keep pushing me onward and encouraging me.  You are all helping me keep my promise (to myself) to get in better shape and keep my 'temple' holy.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Just keep going! Don't think about what you haven't done, think ahead to what you CAN do!

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