Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tip for Tuesday

Sometimes I think us moms think we need to fill the days and get everything in so we can feel like we've accomplished the "to-do" list. But when it comes to our kids they really need a break or five. They can't just push through.

Sometimes (especially tweens and teens) they need an afternoon nap. Sometimes your elementary kiddo needs to run around, bike, or jump up and down. Sometimes that toddler, or crying baby, or sensitive teen just needs a hug. So do THAT. Don't worry about the To-Do List ... it'll still be there.

Take some time and just reconnect. GO to the library and get a book (or dozen) and go read together on the couch all snuggled. Go to the park and run around WITH your kids! Let everyone sleep in a little longer.  We all need to relax and if we don't teach our children to do just that, when they get to be parents they will be WAY more overworked and overbooked then we have been. Rest needs to be taught.

So take some time, enjoy your kids and your spouse. Time flies by!

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